Our Current Setting Focus

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We let the corporations have too much control. We traded our lives away for their credits, our knowledge for their entertainment, and our freedom for their convenience and protection. We let them take the spark that drove us to the stars in the first place. But there’s a chance that we can change again. Now that we’ve broken into Flux Space, we can take everything that we gave them back.

It’s time to remember what it means to be wyld.

Welcome To Foxfire!

Foxfire is a science fiction setting designed on the bones of the Cypher System, so many of the common features, mechanics, and tropes that you would expect from that combination will be present while you’re playing in this setting. But, Foxfire is its own fully realized world (or systems filled with worlds, as it may be) with all of its own original tweaks that make it what it is.

Humans don’t exist. And beyond that, only the dustiest xenobiologist believes that those ancient aliens ever really existed in the first place. You instead play as wylds, the dominant sapient genus that has claimed the known galaxy and carried the torch of civilization into space. Wyldkind is varied and beautiful, composed of highly evolved anthropomorphic versions of the myriad mammals, birds, and reptiles that you can currently see around you on Earth.

Who You Are

You play as an outlier—someone who has been designated as irregular and nonconformist by the Intergalactic Network of Collectives (the governing body of Collective Space) and the sinister megacorps that truly call the shots behind the scenes. Being designated as an outlier could mean a lot of things in Foxfire. It could mean that you take direct action against the systems that you see as corrupt. It could simply mean that you want to live as freely and purely as possible on your own terms. It could also mean that you’re an active criminal running various contraband back and forth through Flux Space. At the end of the day, being an outlier means that you refuse to cow down to the accepted status quo.

Who They Are

The primary antagonists of Foxfire are the government and the corporations that secretly control it. The Intergalactic Network of Collectives (INC), although founded with lofty goals and good intentions, was quickly corrupted by the influence and money of the three megacorps that were allowed to bloat out of control. Mercenary groups, bounty hunters, and purchased police are just a fraction of the corpo agents that you’ll have to maneuver as you traverse the setting.

Where You Are

Foxfire is set in the Heliad Galaxy, where wyldkind was originally drawn to the presence of a miracle quantum element known as foxfire. The Heliad is split into two primary sectors—Collective Space and Flux Space. 

Collective Space contains the star systems under the purview of the INC and thumbs of the reigning megacorps. 

Flux Space is a new frontier filled with unexplored worlds, massive void titans, foxfire anomalies, and true freedom.

Whether navigating the corp-controlled backdrops of Collective Space or the unexplored reaches of Flux Space your outlier will never be far from their next adventure.