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From Unplaytested Presents: Bad Moon Over Burnt Rock

Happy Friday, Folks. 

We're back with a treat for our Steward and up tiers, a surprise drop from our imprint, Unplaytested Presents!

This one is Bad Moon Over Burnt Rock, a Weird West and Whiskers adventure for Mausritter. This little gem is the first adventure site for the Goldwater Gulch campaign setting that will be slow-dripped from Unplaytested Presents in the following months. If you loved Fievel Goes West but thought it could use a lot more eldritch folk horror, this will be your jam. 

Right now, if you're not a member of the Steward or higher tier, you can grab Bad Moon Over Burnt Rock at the links below. 

If you're a Steward or higher tier member, use promo code 'BMOBR' to get your free copy from the UO store below. 

UO Store | Drivethru | Itch

Enjoy and happy gaming!

~ Jess

A Weird West and Whiskers Adventure for Mausritter

Reports of livestock mutilations, missing homesteaders, and bad omens are cropping up all over Goldwater Gulch, and a few good mice are needed to go out to the abandoned town of Burnt Rock to investigate.

Beneath The Surface

A desolate soul from out in Prairie Mounds has given himself over to a being of the Wicked Black—the pestilent Sister Grin. In exchange for sacrifices from around Goldwater Gulch, she has transformed him into a jackalope, a powerful agent of the Wicked Black with an unquenchable thirst for blood.

What in Tarnation?

Bad Moon Over Burnt Rock is a dark, Weird West adventure site for Mausritter that can be used as a one-shot adventure or to introduce eldritch folk horror into your existing Mausritter campaign. 

Bad Moon Over Burnt Rock  also provides a great taste of our upcoming Weird West and Whiskers campaign setting, Goldwater Gulch! Follow us here for more upcoming adventure site drops as it develops.

This Adventure Site includes: 
  • 11 points of interest to explore in Burnt Rock--an abandoned town in an old farrier's shop
  • 4 new creatures to inject your bestiary with eldritch folk horror
  • 7 new items flavored for the Weird West
  • 6 new bad turns--special conditions your mice may get from contact with the Wicked Black
  • Created and Written by: Jess Pendley and Keith Pendley
  • Art by: Toby Blanchard and Arcus Masmeyer
  • Layout By: Arcus Masmeyer