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Live on the Markets - Cypher Shorts: Post-Apocalypse Shorts Vol. 1

Happy Leap Day, folks!

Today we have Cypher Shorts: Post-Apocalypse Shorts Vol. 1 ready for your weekend games. 

This volume presents three very different post-apocalyptic settings and scenarios for your tables to scavenge, as you'll be able to see from the descriptions below. 

If you're a member of the Sage or higher tier, use promo code 'RAINBOW_ACRES' to grab your free copy from the UO store below. (This code will expire when the next volume of shorts drops.)

Read more about what's inside below and then head over and grab your copy at the links.

UO Store | Drivethru

Enjoy and happy gaming!

~ Jess

This Volume of Cypher Shorts Includes:

  • Doomsday Dinos: In a land before time, the players are dinosaurs struggling to eke out one more day as their chapter in the history of Earth closes. Now they’ve been forced together in a scramble to the last place of respite in the growing cold darkness. Cooperation is the only way they may make it to the Safe Place, but will their base instincts betray them as the inevitable approaches?
  • Seeds of Hope: In a lush overgrown world, the players are wardens of the Aegis—a massive tree that staves off the ferocious creatures that usurped mankind as rulers of Earth. When it unexpectedly provides a gift that may never be repeated, can the PCs ensure its legacy (and theirs) in a world that has long since left humanity behind?
  • Where Every Dream Comes True®:  In a post-irradiated world, the players unexpectedly find themselves in the subterranean ruins of what used to be called the “most wondrous place on the planet”. Can they survive the terrifying new inhabitants that roam the theme park's labyrinthian underground and make it back to the surface?
  • Cypher Shorts Guidelines: The simplified rules that you need to run and create characters for your Cypher Shorts.